Friday, February 13, 2009


Yup yup yup. Its Friday. The thirteenth. Nothing really bad. I just accidentally opened an umbrella under the roof and poked two people in the eyes. It was fun at school. I got enough valentines stuff. Yeah nothing much at school. The library was the fun part of my day. Crisella visited. It was fun :D. Lol we like talked about movies for like an hour. I finally found the movie I was waiting to watch since forever. Yeah that was my good part of F13th. Oh yeah in leadership I was playing with this eyeball. Haha. yeah. Anyway at the library friggin Josiah hit his arm and his face went BAM to this constipated face. His eye brows were sooo high. We went outside and started swinging on the tire swing. Christine, Christie and I were on it. Crisella has good pushing skills. Yeah then Christine, Christie and I jumped the fence to noble. While Crisella and Jessica walked all the way around.We came to play bball. But unfortunately they didn't have one for us to play with. David and Jacob were there. Yeah then like we weren't supposed to be on the campus I guess. So James , the rec leader, got a little scary. Crisella had ZAP on her hand. James said her name five times. Lol but Crisella didn't want to say it. Its like disturbing sorta. But Jessica played some wall ball. Then we left cause we were like scaredish.We came back into the library. Hung out. Then mark gave Jessica, Christie and I valentine chocolate. How sweet :D Yeah. Then like we all called to go home. and we sat in the lobby. Throwing conversation hearts at the door to see if it would open. We all left one by one. Got home. Went on aim. talked to people. Lol got a valentine. Cause he didn't have one. I didn't either. Done blogging. Late.

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