Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles so I can just see it rain cats and dogs.

Surprising. It wasn't raining. Explains the green. Green to me is like happiness. Yellow too but its hard to see with a font. Lets start in the beginning. I woke up this morning. Around 7;OO ish pretty early since its break right? Yeeuh. I woke up did the usual morning routine. Then my mama left to go to her meeting or something. My sister left the house too. When it was like 11;OO, my little brother and I walked to the library cause I was meeting Christie, Emily, Crisella and David there. So we left my older brother and the house. We brought a scooter with us. On the waty to the library there was this small black dog following us. It reminded me of Mall Cop. Lol Paul Blart on his segway. Mhm. When we got to the library. Nobody was there yet. So I waited in front for 1O minutes. Then went inside cause I was getting impatient. I went on the computer to IM Christie and Crisella. Cause Thainha is phoneless.(this is a lot of typing, lets skip to when Crisella came) Yeah so when she came there was this one petite man and he was telling David and his friends to not skate. I think he was Viet. Yeah. Then Christie and Emily came. That's when our Adventure started. David left with his friends. Thaihoa,Crisella,Christie, Emily and I started walking to Thai Lovers cause we were hungry. We ordered Pad Thai. That stuff was the bomb. Like tick tick tick. David kept coming in. I guess he was pretty hungry. The waitress didn't want him to keep coming in. David lectured us when we didnt finish something. It was pretty funny. When we finished eating, David's friends left him. So he went with us. Went went to 7-11 I bought Taffy. After that we decided to go to Christie's House. It was a long walk about 3-4 miles. We has a lot of stops along the way. We went to Lee's bought green waffles and sampled the YoLee thingy. When we were crossing the bridge we saw a roadkill. Poor raccoon D': Later after some more walking we finally got to her House. We settled down. Played spin the bottle. Then we went to the park cause Christie wanted too. Stopped at Starbucks too. Went back. Everywhere we went there was like dogs and cats. We even saw cats on a the wheels of a car. It was hecka wierd.Dude like the part that scared me was when we were on our way back to Christie's house. There huge dogs were like trying to chase this cat. Their owners were strong enough to stop them.Yeah. I was like WTFREAK. Christie kept ditching us on my scooter. Then we hung out somemore. Played baby balooga. That shieeet is fun. I like the punching part. When it was 6;OO we attempted to play Hotel 626 taking the picture was scaryyy. I took a random one and then I acutally got the witch thingy face. We kept dieing when we had to go down the stairs. Ate cupnoddles. David was freakishly hyper. Drove him home. Basically it. I think this is my longest blog so far.

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