Saturday, December 6, 2008


Yep. It's Saturday, approx. 12:45 and I'm home alone. About to chow down some Cup Noodles™! I heard that they put the thinnest coat of wax in them so it will help cook the noodles. But I don't care. Cup Noodles™ are the best instant noddles ever. Um I have Catholic class later and dance practice. I think Niko is coming to San Jo. To chill. I can't come D: I think he's hanging out with Katherine and maybe Courtney. Not sure. I'm opening my noddles now. I felt like getting chicken flavor today. Even though I love the beef. My madre said I had to wash the dishes later. I'm too lazy. On aim right now. only 28 people online. I guess no ones awake yet. Ch'yea. I really should start my homework now. The cu cu clock is cooing. and its only 12:52 what a fast clock. Ew. I just a corn that was uncooked. It was hard. I got a new picture on My Space. It's getting comments faster than my other pictures. Weird. Gah. I'm handicapped on You Tube™. My earphones are broken and I want to watch the new Mitchell Davis video. Life isn't fair. Someone should get me earphones or speakers for Xmas. Well. Going to stop here. I might blog later today.

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