Thursday, December 18, 2008

Bake dat cake.

So, today was really fun. After school, choir set upped for the musical. We decorated our raisers, placed the chairs, decorated the cafeteria and we "bedazzled" the speakers. When we were done I took Kristalyne and Lana home. My mom drove to Lana's house and got somethings for the concert, Kristalyne lived nearby so she walked home. We got to my house and started to do some homework. While Lana and I were working we heard a CRASH. It was my little brother playing with the soccer ball in the house and he broke a light bulb. My mom seemed pretty pissed. She was yelling. I felt a little embarrassed because Lana was there to watch it. Yeah. It was about 3:30 and I told Lana we should start baking for our little "bake off." We stopped doing homework for a while and I asked Lana what cake mixed she wanted. She chose the Butter Recipe Chocolate mix. I took the french vanilla. We started mixing. When our batters were done I got food coloring and made my cake pink, well half of the batter, so I could marble my cake. After we put them in our pans. Lana and I started washing the dishes. (I'm such a terrible hostess, I made my guest help wash dishes xD) Then we started to smell something burning. We checked the oven and everything seemed fine. After waiting for our cakes to finish baking. I remembered that we didn't spray our pans with butter. So mystery solved. That's what was burning, the bottom of our cakes. We decorated them. Mines ugly :P. Then we started to play the keyboard. After that we decided to get ready for the concert. We changed, curled our hair, put some blush and mascara on. Then we ate dinner I ate steak and Lana ate salad. After that my dad came home. Lana and I chilled for a while and them we went to the concert. Yeah. Basically my day.