Wednesday, March 11, 2009

That's was she said, in bed!

Hello. First I'll type about yesterday. I forgot to. :P Okayyy. We played with malina's lighter too. and 6th graders got in a fight. So like @ the library we were just chillin' then this little boy hitting this chick with a skate board. I guess he was trying to be "cool" so like all the girl's friends were like trying to record it. So we were like WHTDAFAWKSHIZZLE. And so the chick took the skate board. Then one of her friends goes LEAVE HIM ALONE. Then she started crying. so Courtney and I decided to go up to her and asked if she was okay. yeaah. Then we played suck and blow :D ahaha it was fun. But we failed -_- I got too scared ahah. Okay. Today today. So we went to the library. and like No one was really there. Tricia and I got this "sample" of a smoothie. It was good :D. Then later.. Courtney calls. and we pretend Malina is crying. Then Courtney RUNS all the way from school and like tries to comfort Malina. But then like Malina wasn't crying... So Courtney was like wtf. She ran from music rehearsals. and. SNAAAP right. so she started to cry. After that we went out side and started climbing this tree. Courtney left and we played suck and blow and we finally got it! Haha. So we we're climbing the tree. and kept jumping off of it. Then when mark went he was HELLAH scared. It was halarious. Kevin even pissed off the tree. GROSS Yeah then after tree climbing for like an hour, we went inside the library. Mark cussed so he was kicked out. We followed him. He wanted a drink so Malina went inside and bought him one. Tricia and I played suck and blow. We got it like 4 times. haha. We're good. Mark kept trying to watch, Weirdo. Yeah after that we got bored. and I left.

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